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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 @ 1:05 AM | back to the top.
first day.

The one thing I look forward to on the first day of Raya.


[ and I'm done ]

posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 @ 7:15 PM | back to the top.
Its Hari Raya!

Wassssssssssssssup people!!

Like finally, UT3 is over! wooohoo! UT3 was okay for me, I felt that the first 3 modules was pretty much doable as I did revised for it, but the last module FOM was a serial killer. I hope I clear that module. I do not want to spend a semester having to repeat that. Noooo. So aniway, I shall not gonna talk so much about it cause I really do not want to think about it anymore. Like what orang-orang kata lah kan 'yang sudah tu sudah...' hahaha! Finger-cross, I really hope that would be my last UT I am gonna take, cause I'm really getting sick and tired of that school already. Hahaha. Aniway, oh! Did I mention I got an interview for an intership with AirAisa? Hehe! Well, Earlier on I got JetStar cabin crew internship, but I guess takde rezki lah kan. I dont mind any companies though, just as long I do get into an internship and I'll be fine. There's still possibility that I might not get into internship though, and still have to come back to school for the final semester. So, wish me luck I do get into the internship okay friends!

Done with that. So after today, I can proudly say that another Ramadhan has gone by where I managed to fast the full month for 11years now! wooohooo! Ramadhan has gone, and here comes the month of Syawal, the month where we all just love don't we? Hahaha! This year's red for me, and I pretty much like the baju raya tahun ni. menambahkan ke-cute-an sayer jer nih. Conform! hahaha!

Syai nak ambil kesempatan ini untuk menyusun sepuluh jari jemari untuk meminta maaf kepada semuer kawan kawan, yang sudi singgah dan rajin menyinggah ke blog saye yang tak sebeberape ni. Ampunkan lah segala kesalahan syai ni yer, baik yang sengaje ataupun yang tidak sengaje, kalau syai terlebih gurau ke, kalau pernah tersinggung perasaan biler syai post kat blog ni ker, dah segala2 Ter yang sewaktu dengannyer lah yer. Akhir kata, syai pun hanya manusia biasa yang akur pada kesilapan. Sedangkan Nabi ampunkan umatnyer, apatah lagi diri kita ini, untuk menahan diri dari memaafkan mereka yang bersalah pada kita.

Selamat Hari Raya Kawan-kawan...
jom main bunger api!

"Pupul rindu neneq sangat-sangat. Raya tahun dah masuk tahun ke dua tak dapat makan ayam rendang neneq. Pupul selalu ingat neneq, tapi neneq sampai sekarang tak datang dalam mimpi pun? Sampai hati neneq.. Maafkan pupul atas kesilapan pupul yang dulu yer. Moga neneq dalam keadaan yang senang dan gembira bersame Atok dimana sahje neneq berada sekarang ni.. Selamat Hari Raya, neneq. Tunggu tao nanti pupul datang tengok neneq!"

[ and I'm done ]

posted on Thursday, August 25, 2011 @ 1:41 AM | back to the top.
back to square one.

That hand-on-chest moment as it goes by....
makes me realised one thing;
That all these while I was trying so hard to convince myself
that I am okay.

Gosh, I freaking miss you.

[ and I'm done ]

posted on Sunday, August 21, 2011 @ 1:43 AM | back to the top.
a year on.

Happy 18th, awaq.

[ and I'm done ]

posted on Thursday, August 18, 2011 @ 9:35 PM | back to the top.
i get around.

Really sorry for I have not been updating this space of mine here for a period of time. I've been really busy, and still am, that I had to neglect this blog here. Since today I got home earlier than I usually have, so here I am to write something redundant just so it wont be so dead. Hahaha!

Well, my FYP final assessment is finally over! Though the outcome was not how I had expected it to be, but still it is a load off my mind knowing that it is over now. Here, I would like to extend my appreciation to each and every single FYP teammates for the job well done. I apologise if I have ever been a pain in the neck for you guys, but overall I think we did real great. Now, I sure hope I wont have to do anymore FYP 2 come next semester, but if I really have to, then I for sure would be reminded of the great times I have spent with you guys. (=

So next focus would be the upcoming UT3 next week. I really have to start studying by now, I got not much time left and I sure must buck up on the fallig grades. Sigh. I dont understand why I just cannot be as hardworking as I was the previous semesters. I will just have to be more disciplined and prioritise my studies for now, InsyaAllah. Well, speaking of which, I just have too much shows coming up. Tomorrow's gelanggang with Makyong Kedek at woodlands Bazaar is up, and I would definitely be there. Will be there, Have to be there. Hehe. So yeah, do come down and watch!

Other than that, I guess Ramadhan for me this year were just the same compared to the previous years, except for the friends and that this year I'm single. Hahahaha. Pejam kelip pejam kelip, dah hari ke 18. Tup Tup Tup... tibalah bulan Syawal. This year, I feel like I have made enemies more than I would imagine. Like I say, it is just something I have no control of. I won't deny it, but I still wish things could have turn out differently to keep that friendship. Whatever it is, I'll just go with the flow and keep on smiling. Yeah~

I'll update again when I'm done with my UT3.
In the meantime, stay healthy readers!

[ and I'm done ]

posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @ 12:07 AM | back to the top.
i can feel it!

My FYP final assessment is on tomorrow.

I just cannot wait for all of this to end. And when I'm finally done, I will be a free man. Huahuahua! Thanks to each and everyone of my teammates for everything. Sekirenye ade pernah aku ni buat masalah dengan team, mintak maaf yer banyak banyak.

This is it guys, Let's get this over and done with!

Sumpah taq sabar nak habes yo, then baru boleh tepuk sepuluh tanpa risau!

[ and I'm done ]

posted on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 @ 12:46 AM | back to the top.
dont wanna.

That explains everything.

Up till today, I have still yet to meet that one lady who could love me for who I am, and not because of reasons that I can... make people smile even when they don't wish to, make them laugh whenever they're feeling down, or for the simple reason that I am someone who is comfortable to be around with. And I cannot help but wonder... What if I do not have all those attributes in me? Who I still be the one for 'em?

And besides that point, I just do not want to ever go through what I had from my previous relationship, ever again. It's like a phobia to me now. I had enough of the torture, of the pains, of that countless sleepless nights, and most importantly, I never want to cry for a girl again. Because now then I find it really stupid. Yes, I tried moving to another after that episode, but alas nothing worked out. But at the very least, it made me let go of that thin rope of wishing and hoping that my used-to-be special someone would somehow wants me back. So, I am actually quite thankful that this happened instead.

I dare not say of what will happen to the both of us, in the future. Because ultimately, it is all up to Him who decides everything. But as for now, I really do not wish to get emotionally attached to anyone, honestly. Because I am tired of the same old lovestory that I'd experienced over and over again;

Falling too deep for a girl whom I thought would go through thick and thin together with me, forever.

I am truly sorry.

[ and I'm done ]

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