Please Take Note.
People don't keep journals for themselves.
They keep them for other people,
like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.
I don't own any of these pictures unless I state them. All photos and quotes on this blog are the properties of the respectful owners.Anyone wishing for their works to be credited please contact me via formspring or the tagboard itself. thank you.

"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world."
In short, I write what I want and anything that I want. I am not forcing you to read okay? :)
Anything to say? Write them down!
lagy ape?
Its really surpring how that certain someone can make me the most happiest guy one day, and then make me completely hurt the next. I will never understand why I'm resigned to such fate when all that I have ever did was to stay true to one. It hurts when that certain someone were able to tell me all that. Because, that certain someone are proving to me that my feelings and I myself, no longer mean a shit.
Yet again, I'm left dissapointed, angered and hurt. Over and over and over again. Yes, I admit to being stupid to still allow that certain someone to control my life in this manner. But what can I possibly do? Maybe, I'm just used to this pain already. Foolish much.
I crave so much for my own personal space and through here is the only way I can let it all out. But yet I am not able to express myself totally for the sole reason that the last person/people on this Earth that I want to be reading my blog, actually still does. Which really surprise me because I don't see a reason for them to be since he/she/they hates me just as much as I do.
I have played around with the idea of moving to a new blog altogether. But nope, I am not going to. I don't see a need for it just because of these 'person/people'. As long as I remain cautious and not to mention any names in any of my post, I am safe. So if you actually think that you understand who the fuck I'm referring to, or that you know what I'm talking about, think again. Kalau nak tahu sangat sangat, tanye aku directly. Better that way.
It seems that you wont care even if I no longer exists in this world. I could have moved if I wanted to, would you even spend the effort and time to look for me? I don't think so. You should jolly well know how true I am, so stop all that bullshit that I am trying to shoo people away. Even if I stop writing about anyone, do you really think it means I have already forgotten about that person? You should know. And as always, I give in. Whatever shit that you want me to do, okay fine. Biar aku dan kau je tahu. Aku sedih biler kau sedih. Aku tumpang gembira biler aku tahu kau bahagia. Tapi tolonglah. Jangan sakitkan hati aku dengan kata-kata kau tuh. Dah, aku dah buat ape kau nak aku lakukan. Walaupun aku terpakse.
And it does not help that my sim card is being a bitch currently. No connection ever since yesterday even though I have gone down to get it replaced to a new one. Ohwells, I don't think I will hear from the people that matters aniway. See what I meant, would you even care?
The post below is irrelevant by the way. So, fuck it.
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