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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Saturday, December 4, 2010 @ 11:59 PM | back to the top.
Let it out.

* breathes in .... *

Sometimes, I don't know why the hell I still ask around. Troubling people to ask how you have been doing. I know that this is not the way to go, because it'll just lead me back to you. But I just can't help it. That's like.. the only way I can know how you are doing, and wherever you are. And every single time I'd ask, the reply wasn't what I'd been hoping all along. Tapi takpe, syai tetap maintain.

Today wasn't any special. The only difference was that, syai missed you more than any other days. It got so bad that I could not even sit still in my fucking own room. pergy hall, pergy dapur, masuk toilet, keluar toilet, masuk bilik on laptop, refresh FB page berkali kali, lay down on my bed, got up, check msn to see if there's anyone for me to chat with. Over and over and over again. bingit sendiri kau tahu tak!

If only I could have been the one to be in your position. I wish I was the one to be happily with someone new right now, having the best time in the world enjoying my fucking youth. If only we exchanged places, even if it is only for a day, then probably you would understand, how fucking tiring it is.

And guess what?! even after all these rants, even when syai is overwhelmed with these anger and hatred deep within, I am still unable to hate you. I may hate you tonight, but I'll forget them when I wake up from my sleep later. It has always been like this. Tah, aku pun tak tahu kenape. I know that one day, just one day, I'd say enough is enough, and I will give up totally. Like what they all have said, let time heals everything. Yeah, cliche much. I will let time heal everything. And until that day comes, for now I'll just hold on for as long as I can.

Sebelum awaq nak start benci syai pulaq gara gara post ni, pikir dahulu jawapan nye pada soalan yang awak maseh tertanye tanye, kenape syai maseh macam gini. Daripada ditanye, "kenape susah nah syai nak move on?" kenape tidaq tanye pade diri sendiri, "kenape sayang sangat syai ni kat aku?" Mungkin ni balasan syai atas kesilapan dahulu. Syai terima balasan ni. Mintak maaf kalau awaq naik geli, naik muak tengok post post syai ni. Mungkin jugak awaq dah tak lagy singgah kat sini. Tapi ingat, macam mana syai tak boleh pakse untuk awaq kembali seperti dahulu, macam gitulah jugaq awaq tak boleh pakse saye tentang soal hati nih.

Satu hari, Tuhan akan bukak mata awaq besar besar.

I apologise for the expletives words used. No offence, just needed to vent my frustrations out. Take care y'all.

[ and I'm done ]

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