Please Take Note.
People don't keep journals for themselves.
They keep them for other people,
like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.
I don't own any of these pictures unless I state them. All photos and quotes on this blog are the properties of the respectful owners.Anyone wishing for their works to be credited please contact me via formspring or the tagboard itself. thank you.

"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world."
In short, I write what I want and anything that I want. I am not forcing you to read okay? :)
Anything to say? Write them down!
what a way to end the night.
And before I start continue whatever that I have to say for today's post, let it be known first that it'll be the same old thing that I am gonna talk about. So please, if anyone's gonna be affected by it, please please, don't continue reading. Just let me have my own personal space to write whatever that I have in mind right now.
Thank you.
So, DkUlan competition is finally over. For all the hard work that chuchu's has put in, We won 'Lagu Ciptaan Asli Terbaik' and 'Seni Kata Harapan'. Alhamdullilah. Although chuchu tak dapat top 3 placing, tapi dengar2 khabar dari reliable sources somewhere, we got the 4th placing actually. Will update soon about the result as soon as it gets published on dkUlan blogspot, hopefully. Nevertheless, I'm still happy that at least ade jugak lah chuchu bawak balek piala jugak, so happy lah jugak. Syukur Alhamdullilah.
So, yerp. I got selected to be in the top 14 awok-awok. Macam syai cakap, sememang-memangny kalau ikutkan hati, syai taqnaq lah main. Tapi Tok gave me super long text messages and words of encouragement which made me feel somewhat guilty to leave my brothers, just because of this. So, simply said DkUlan Comp is officilly my first competition which I'm involved in, not because I want to, but I had to.
I knew that, as much as I tried my best to avoid her, it was of no use. CC tu pun, bukannye sebesar Vivocity kan, kecik jer. Ramai bebudak dikir pulaq tu. SO it was inevitable to spot her among the crowd, up there on stage, time waiting for results etc. Yes, I saw her. Wow. Haha. Rase pilu ade, rase happy, seronok semacam pun ade. I don't know the exact words for that, but paham paham kan aje lah yer. But since we did not, for the whole day, had that eye-to-eye contact, I was still fine with it. Takpe lah kan, buat buat tak nampak je lah. Susah beb susah, tapi syai cube jugaq.
Backstage, just before chuchu's turn to perform, I kept telling myself to focus for that 12 minutes on stage. To put everything aside, at least for that 12 minutes or so. Haha. But, I failed. The moment I sat at the platform tu, dengan tidaq sengaje nye, mata ni start lah merayau-rayau pulaq. Nak tengok si dier tu ader ker tak. I know i know, a failure I am. But, for that 12 minutes up there on stage, it's amazing how I could not spot her, at all. sedih lah jugak kan. And i have to confess something here; part Wau bulan, I didnt really focus on the singing, I payed more attention on holding back the tears, which I managed. Hmm. Done with the performance, got changed quickly and proceeded on watching the rest of the competition.
Until the announcement of the results, nothing much happened. Nampak jugak lah si dier, ke hulur ke hilir. But I kept myself busy talking to my friends, even had the opportunity to mix around and talk to the other dhiya' girls, Kak Farah, Aan sumer, and some bebudak tanjak. Wow. haha.
Everything was actually going on fine, until the time to go home. Woah. Hahahaha. sumpah betul-betul nye anti-climax to my day. I was actually walking to the busstop, after a debrief with Tok and chuchus at the back of the carpark. Part tengah jalan nak ke busttop tu lah... boleh betembung dengan si dier, dengan si dier. Hahaha. Initially, syai kalau boleh memang nak kebelakang pusing ajer. Adoii. But then I chose not to lah kan. Because of the fact that I know, this will not going to be the first and the last time aniway, nanti future competitions pun, ni mende akan terjadi lagi. Betul? so yearp, syai tawakal je lah, jalan ajer ke arah dorang. Sampai jer kat diorang, hulur lah tangan, nak salam lah katekan. Dier pun jawab balek, hulurkan tangan jugaq. so kire okay lah tu, same same Islam. Made it a brief one though. I didnt even glance to look at her face even though we are just that close to each other. Bukan taqnaq okay, jangan salah paham. cumer, tak boleyy. sedih semacam biler part tu. Jangan cakap nak sebut 'hie' ah, nak senyum pun tak larat. Adoi Adoi. Tapi takpe lah, si dier dah happy dengan pasangan hidupnye, syai pun turut happy jugak lah kan, untuk dier. Hmmm.
And that's basically how my day went today.
And yerp, regarding about all those tagboard thingy that has been going on, I really hope it'll stop, like seriously. Sometimes I just don't understand kenape benci nah orang kat syai nih. Okay, maybe ader lah satu duer yang betul-betul ikhlas nak tengok syai macam dulu, but please. Im actually getting sick and tired of all those 'move on syai', 'be strong syai', or whatever kinds of encouragements that i got. Because why? It's not even working! And to not to leave your name behind, why? please, let me get this straight once and for all. I know myself better than anyone else. This is just me, when it comes to falling in love. As much as it's hard for a girl to really make me go heads over heel over her, its just as hard for me when I get dumped. I will not stop writing whatever shit that I feel like doing so, in my own blog. Everything that I have been writing down, is the truth of how I'm actually doing and all. what do you expect me to change then? write down that I'm actually back to my bubbly self, back to the happy-go-lucky syai that people knows me? Nope, I'll just be lying to myself. And my consciences is clear. You're certainly most welcome to come and visit my blog, but before anyone of you thinks of tagging me hurtful stuffs again, then please, just go away.
that's all for today. Assalamualaikom.
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