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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 12:59 AM | back to the top.
from bad to worst.

Again, I skipped class today.
Engineering design sucked to the max.
I am seriously hating the faci more and more each week.
Did not contribute at all during the first meeting and the second,
so I see no point in staying on in class, when everything is so dead and quiet.

fuck care Engineering design, and fuck care the faci!

So, went off to play pool, again.
This time with Rina,
and her friend Shafeeqah.
Now i know someone has 'cacat' fingers ehh!
*inside joke*
But, it was fun with you guys around, especially you!
thanks for the great day!

Sorry to Kaien and Jon, for ditching the team today.
Sorry for my previous post, felt like i have offended some people.
Sorry for all my wrongdoings towards you guys.
Sorry to the Engineering design Faci for F***ing you up here in my post.

( so not okay! )

Please forgive me.

[ and i'm done. ]

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