With that done, i have one more thing to post about. Okay! so yesterday was maths module. yeah, maths. pfft!! Everything was going on fine, did the worksheet the PDT and stuff and i find that the problem of the day was not that difficult after all. So when its time for the 2nd meeting break, I went for lunch.
But!! when i came back, Alvin, my teammate was already gone, Leonard was packing his bag, Jerome was busy with his laptop, and Han was rushing the ppt slides, which he then told me whether i wanted to 'cabut', since the teammates are all going. He said, it was up to me to decide; if I wanted to go, he'll go as well. But if i decide to stay, he'll stay with me. So i was contemplating whether or not to stay since everyone is going. i could just stay, since the PPT slides are all done, but i can go home too, since everyone is.
hahaha...!! frankly, i was in a dilemna. didnt know what to do. haish!!
and so being a good student and a good friend, so this is what i did.

We went to play pool at the library's Cafe!!
got to go now peeps! dikir training now!!