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Kane Nobuhiro™


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posted on Sunday, June 6, 2010 @ 8:53 PM | back to the top.
suara serumpun 3 !

Si Cilik, Piala Suara Serumpun 3 and Interpoly Competition
yesterday was Awesome!

was worth going for all.
I really enjoyed my time watching all the different groups
and supporting ♥ who was performing as well.

every single one of them that i was supporting,
actually won something on that day.
so, congrats Everybody!

First and foremost
Congrats to baby and her school, Tampinese North girls for clinching Silver.
Though her team was the defending champion for this year competition
i guess, scoring a silver is not that bad either.
Siap dengan angklung sekali for the intro part.
Fuhh kekaper!

And yes, finally Endang has made it this time round.
3rd placing for the Interpoly competition, not bad i must say.
Congrats Endangdoks!

Cheet! Baju Wahana nampak? Baju Wahana nampak?

Congratulations ♥ , and your school for clinching 3rd!
For all the hard work you've had put in, now thats your reward.

now you see,
SUCCESS can be achieved,

if you put in your heart and soul into it.
get what i mean ♥ ?

Done with that.
I will be away for the next few days or so.

Gamelan Camp tomorrow, until Wednesday!
Cannot wait! takleh sabar! wo bu ke yi deng!

I'll miss you ♥!

[ and i'm done ]

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