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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 6:47 PM | back to the top.
090510 !

To all my friends who congratulated me,
and to all those who gave me their well wishes
be it through Fb, text messages and
there were also some who ring me up to ask me personally..


I sincerely thank you guys for everything.
seriously, thank you.

and in anyway,
i wanna apologise to my best buddy.
so sorry for the other day, i guessed i took it to heart.
sorry okay?
one day, we go on a double date.
Arep included as well!


and thank you siti nurfazlun for this.
i appreciate it so much.


done with that,
I might be blogging again tonight about the recent semifinal.
maybe, if im not lazy that is.
till then, take care all!

[ and i'm done]

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