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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 12:54 AM | back to the top.

This is exactly how I'm feeling right now

Sad + Confused + Dazed + Angry = ______________ ?
An emotion which even I myself cannot describe exactly.

Yes, many times you've told me,
you want me to _____ you.
and that i lack _____ in us.
but how am i supposed to _____ you,
when this keeps happening most of the time?

And i don't really expect much from you,
from us.

Have you guys been in this situation where
"Kalau tak cakap, kater dah tak ambil kisah..
Kalau tegur sikit, nanti gadoh.." ?
Have you?

That's why i'm choosing to keep mum and let things as it is.
because i believe,
We will find a solution, if we really mean something to each other.

"You get worried easily."
"You are too protective."
"You don't trust the friends that i hang out with."

I'm sorry... that I worry too much.
I'm sorry... that I am so protective of you.
I'm sorry... if you think i dont trust you.
I'm sorry... if you have to talk to me every night just so i can hear your voice before i go to sleep.
I'm sorry... for everything that you think im lacking.

Above all,
i'm sorry... if I love you, too much.

[ and i'm done ]

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