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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 9:08 PM | back to the top.
hai tok dalang bukak babak....


hahaha. im back to do some blogging after a while. Maklomlah, syai ni baru jer ader mase free kan. haha. yeah, So many things happened over at the weekends, that i don't know where to start actually. haha.

First thing first, did i mention im finally done with my class 2A practical lessons? woohoo!! yeah, the last assessment i passed with 10points, which means i can now book for my TP. YESSAH! hahaha.
so yearp, 18 May is THE day, hopefully i will not forget. =_____="

and once i have secured that piece of shit, imma turn my attention on Class 3 pulaq. In the mean, imma saving my own ka-chiing! to get myself my own vrooooooom !

Alright, i'm done with that.
one more piece of good news, Chuchus are through to the Semis of Mega Perdana 2010 !! sumpah happy giler gedebaks puuuuunyer ! hehehe. berkat penat lelah everyone, nampak jugak hasilnya.

but that's not all!

Our Tok Juara, abang Fai kiter ni, clinched 2nd place for 'Tok Juara Terbaik'
Our Tok Karut, uncle Mat Noh pulaq dapat 3rd placing for 'Tok Karut Terbaik'


we are joint 2nd place for 'Awok Awok Terbaik' along with Yenbo Je.

Here's the results of Mega Perdana 2010 Saringan.

More infos do check out http://megaperdana2010.blogspot.com/
(you should try paying a visit there. macam macam comment orang bagy. yang baik punyer comment ader, yang comment buruk pun ader! kecoh beb.. alaa biase lah kan, dikir barat what u expect. politics! =))

and more pictures during action time on my facebook okay people!
have to go now,
till next time!

[ and i'm done ]

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