my kite cheated my feelings.
Saturday's Fly-kite-Cum-Picnic day out with the GNK buddies over at Marina Barrage.
One in which I really enjoyed myself, as well as somehow feeling regretted going.
finally, I realised kite-flying is not that easy as it seemed to be. finally, I realised kite-flying can be so tiring. finally, I realised I should have brought an umbrella to shield me away from the sun during kite-flying.
and finally I realised.. Marina's windy conditions and Woodland's are more or less the same, so I dont think it makes any different flying kite, here, or there.
I had fun, hell lots of them with the Kaki Gereks.
But the only problem of the day was that, my 'Bird Bird' kite chose not to fly. For the whole day!
Pictures speaks!
Wahid(ah) striking a post. actually ni budak2 sumer kan jakun, taq pernah main kite.
sebab tu macam excited gedebaks gitu loh!
sampai dengar2... ader member kiter satu ni tak dapat tidur satu hari! dari pukol 3pagy sampai lah pukul 12tgh hari, dier golek-golek atas katil tapi tak tido tido..
wonder who could that be? hmmmm.. So by the time we reached there,there was already a lot of people who obviously came way earlier than us. So we found a suitable spot, and took our time to settle things down. Thanks to whoever bought the big blue mat. dah macam feeling2 dekat tepi pantai gitu tao! and everyone bought stuff to eat and drink. macam macam ada. nugget, hotdog, roti, mee fuuh! and my mum prepared beef steak for me to bring for the picnic.
While the rest were helping out with the mats and the foods and drinks, I took my kite from Zaff and started setting the kite up. I couldnt care less about other things, I just wanted to start flying the kite, fast!
However, idk why, idk how but my 'bird-bird' kite just refused to soar high into the sky.
no matter how much ''Ahh, tarek.. tarek tu tali !'' or '' Ahh, cepat! lepaskan tali lebih sikit, lepas tu tarek! ''
the 'bird-bird' still dont want to fly. how pathetic. =_=" Mon was the first to get his BEN 10 Kite up into the sky.
punyer lah excited tengok member punyer kite terbang tinggi beb!!
and slowly the rest got their respective kite up into the sky while mine still refuses to join the rest. urghh!
(Aniway, did you guys spot that someone committing suicide? haha! )
I can tell you there's much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much more kites in the sky than what you're seeing in the picture above okay.
 I told siti, who were helping me with my problematic 'bird-bird' to take a picture of me and my nampak-jer-terror-tapi-langsung-tak-gune kite to show to you guys, how exactly my 'bird-bird' looks like.
errr... sounds wrong, no?? okay proceed on! and then Mon came over to help us out. and yeah. after all the troubles that they have gone through, such as siti had to run as fast as she could with the kite, throwing the kite up in the air countless of times, and changing of the strings,
my 'bird-bird' still remained stubborn as hell! tsk! And so I finally gave up.I ended up throwing away my 'bird-bird' into the dustbin and spent the rest of the time seating down and talking with the rest. when it was close to dawn,it was time to pack up. Mon wanted to have a picture taken of himself, but ii joined in the frame anyway. hahahahaha!! and the rest of the time, we took many group photos together.
okay, so there are lots more pictures being taken. so if there really is anyone who wants to view them, check them out on my facebook HERE.
Things to take note before going out Kite-Flying the next time round!
1.) check the whether forecast first.
2.) do not go out as early as 2pm next time. tak tahu ker panas ah?!
3.) makanan cukup, air pulak yang kurang. cuaca panas gitu, air lain kali kasih lebih.
4.) buy a proper kite. expensive never mind, value for $ .
and lastly,
5.) Do Not buy those 'bird-designed' kites. Useless I Tell You !
till the next post then, bye people!

*takes in very deep deep breath and then shouts* Diam eh kao zaff!
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