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posted on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @ 11:26 PM | back to the top.
sakit yang teramat sangat!!

I just cannot freaking understand why i am having
all sorts of problem with my legs.

I had this problem of experiencing pain on the sole of my right feet at first,
but it went away after three days.
and now,
my left feet feels so damn bloody painful whenever I walked,
and it has already been 3 fucking days I endured the pain.

Only God knows how painful it is,
and I feel so useless, and embarrassed.

Embarrassed because i have been limping to school and back home
for 3 straight days,
and it is never a nice feeling when people look at you differently,
and i have no more strength left within me,
to endure it.

Zul mentioned maybe its because of 'salah urat',
whatever that is.
Ayah said, it's because of my frequent duduk bersila and main lagu lagu music
(which is obvious he's blaming me playing dikir barat)
which i got pissed off
and said,
" takmo berbual merepek.
Dah 5 tahun main dikir barat kenaper skrg baru nak saket?
cakap biar pakai otak, cakap biar masok akal! "

Whatever it is, I really hope this stop soon. like seriously.
UTs are approaching, and with this pain im having,
it really makes moving about very difficult.

please, please god..
just what did I do to deserve this?

[ and i'm done. ]

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