Please Take Note.
People don't keep journals for themselves.
They keep them for other people,
like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.
I don't own any of these pictures unless I state them. All photos and quotes on this blog are the properties of the respectful owners.Anyone wishing for their works to be credited please contact me via formspring or the tagboard itself. thank you.

"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world."
In short, I write what I want and anything that I want. I am not forcing you to read okay? :)
Anything to say? Write them down!
There's this saying that goes something like, " All good things will have to come to an end... "
And the time has come for me to bid you farewell. You have served me well over the few years or so my friend.
So, goodbye my Lenovo. I will remember you, always.

And say hello to... Mr Samsung. (=

So dad bought me this since the Lenovo is already spoilt beyond repair. It was time for a change since the lappy is already a few years old. It was initially for Home use purpose, and ever since I got into RP after graduating from ITE, it became my OWN lappy. Obviously, I am happy and thankful that I got a new laptop today, but at the same I felt really bad because... knowing how the current situation is for the family, any extra expenses would be particularly tough on dad. I was left with no choice though, I need a working laptop for school purposes, and furthermore the FYP project requires me to bring along my laptop wherever I go, it was definitely more of a 'need' than a 'want' for a new lappy. Precisely why I chose the cheapest available laptop that I could find over in Courts that I dont mind the specifications nor the brands. I immediately chose this one when the sales promoter said that it is among the cheapest and within the budget and it is definitely suitable for school use.
Just days before I had to trouble dad to shop for officewear attire for my FYP project. I'm not too sure know if 70bucks for the one whole set of shirt, pants, to the belt and the shoes is considered cheap though, and now... a new laptop? tell me how am I not supposed to feel bad then? Ohwells, this has made me even more stressed up than i already am with my FYP projects and stuff. Dad has 'invested' a hell lot of money for me, what if I fail him at the end of the day?
Thank you dad, for wasting your money on me. Now... I cannot promise you that I would be the brightest student and score the highest GPA among all at the end of my Poly Life because I need to be realistic after all. But what I can and will promise you is that, I will do my best for this FYP project, and then get that diploma at the end of my time in Poly. Thanks dad, really. Thank you.
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