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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 @ 8:56 PM | back to the top.
its our third.

After all that has happened,
I still chose to stick with you.
I do hope you realise you mean the world to me.
and im not letting you go that easily.

I have already forgiven you.
so we shall start anew.
Just please dont do it again,okay?

I know i'm a day late.
but i made up for it, didnt I ?

Happy 3rd baby.

done with that.
Puasa starts tomorrow.
I hope i'm able to fast the whole month, just like previous years.
shall have a lil countdown for myself.

To all my muslim friends,
Happy Fasting!!

[ and i'm done ]

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