pizza galore!

On a brighter note,
my leg no longer hurts, as much.
Though I'm still tempang-ing whenever I walk.
I'll make do with the pain.
I just hope, it wont give me problems tomorrow.
I really wanna go for the W35F chalet so damn effing much.
cause I know,
it wont be as much fun,
without me around, right my friends?
Since I have not been going out from my house
ever since the holidays started.
So I'm actually quite glad that Arep
asked the usual lepak gang out.
And so,
this friend of mine,
or the actor i should say.
belanja-ed us pizza!
bukan senang beb members nak blaja makan tao!
so we chipped in as well,
( well, i did fork out $2.10 for the pizza, counted kan? )
and we played games and eat
at the top of the carpark.
i guessed that's about all for today.
and yerp,
a lil shoutout to Saf ,
You missed the fun lah seh!
( and of course, the pizza. =D )
cheers everyone!
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