Please Take Note.
People don't keep journals for themselves.
They keep them for other people,
like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.
I don't own any of these pictures unless I state them. All photos and quotes on this blog are the properties of the respectful owners.Anyone wishing for their works to be credited please contact me via formspring or the tagboard itself. thank you.

"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world."
In short, I write what I want and anything that I want. I am not forcing you to read okay? :)
Anything to say? Write them down!
So, Which One Now?
Tiring day for me today. A lot of things happened that i feel like letting it all out and blogging is the only way, that i can think of.
First up, Engineering Design for today. It's a preety cool module i must say, but then again the faci made it to be so boring. i think he has something against me, most of the time, he will ask me to answer his questions. ohmygod lah. and i noticed that he will be looking at me, everytime he's explaining his slides. it's only when i stare back at him, then he'll look away.
damn you lah faci, try stepping on my head. and i'll give you shit. and im bloody serious here. Been there, done that. so beware. hahahhaha ! *evil laughter*
and then, this one was the highlight of the day. I was walking down with ahmud after lesson, to meet Azhar, who had already been waiting for us at the front of the W3 lobby, when i saw her. yes, i saw her. With her friend. I was damn shocked to the max ! I so wanted to look away, but our eyes met, so i just smiled. Hoping she would too. But, she instantly look away. I don't know why, for what reason, but she just turned and look away. and that was it.
But, its okay. at least i got to see you.
hahaha. and yes, can i say you look as gorgeous as ever? okay never mind. -__-"
Next, ahmud followed me back home, to put my bag and lappy home, before visitting Siti at CGH. And i'm glad that it is nothing serious. AMIN. she said she got errr.. something something on the ovary? TSK! as long as i know, no need go operation or what, still considered not bad lah. Me and ahmud could only stay for a while, as I've got dikir training in the evening, and Ahmud had to rush somewhere, for his ngaji.
Aniway, SITI! aku sungguh tengok jarum tu laa seh.. kau boleh tahan eh saket dier? aku salute kau laa sioL ! yang penting, kau takda pape. hahaha! so cepat cepat sembuh! jangan nak sengaja lambat, jadi kau boleh cabut sekolah, cabut Gamelan! =)
Speaking about dikir, Bob called me when i was in class, he told me to report to KCC, today and not at the other place, where the junior team trains. in short, He wanted me to play for the combined team. For those of you who are lost, to make it simple, CDM for this upcoming comp is sending two team; one the junior team, which consists of the new kids from FTPSS, and the other is the one which will be combined with another group (which i cannot name it, for now).
But here's the thing: Adek wants me to be in the junior team, to help and guide those boys, while Bob wants me to play for the combined team. so how? want to make this side happy, later that side not happy. if i make that side happy, this side not happy. Get what im trying to say? So now, i don't know which one to play for. I dont mind which team i will be playing for actually, as long as i get to be up there on stage, it really does not matter.
help me guys, will you? if you were me, which one will you play for? sigh.
and i think i need my sleep now. cannot make it already. nights all.
p/s: " Our eyes met across the distance between. The space was nothing, or so it would seem. "
[ and i'm done. ]
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