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posted on Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 12:36 AM | back to the top.
Siang Malam Dikir Barat Ajer!

And i just got home from dikir training.
today officially start the first training for PSD4.
and i will be fighting for selection.
first time, training, sit at the centre back row of the awok2!
usually, for all of dikir competitions i have participated before,
i will always sit at the front row.
And most of the time,
i'll be at the centre.
well, what can i say,
im the centre of attraction.

this time, it'll be much different.
so many new faces.
sec school kids from first toa payoh sec.
so me and the rest, the seniors
have to like guide them and stuff.
not too bad though, they seemed enthusiatic enough.
but it's still too early to say.

but today's training was not fun, to be honest.
have to start back from scratch.
like perfecting the tepuk sepuluh,
teaching them the correct pitching,
and the correct way of using the vocals.
stuff like that.
so bored laa.
aniway, cucudatukmerah for PSD4
will be consisting of these new faces.
so naturally,
cdm wont be as 'strong' this time.
but ohwells,
we'r just taking this comp as a platform
to give exposure to these kids.

it's the one in January next year,
that we will go all out for.

and my schedule will be damn pack with dikir shows this weekend!
Hari Raya show at KCC today
followed by a wedding show the next day.

but it's okay.
at least i'll have something to distract myself with.
need my sleep now,
take care readers!

* p/s: i believe in karma. *

[ and i'm done. ]

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