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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

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posted on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 @ 12:46 AM | back to the top.
dont wanna.

That explains everything.

Up till today, I have still yet to meet that one lady who could love me for who I am, and not because of reasons that I can... make people smile even when they don't wish to, make them laugh whenever they're feeling down, or for the simple reason that I am someone who is comfortable to be around with. And I cannot help but wonder... What if I do not have all those attributes in me? Who I still be the one for 'em?

And besides that point, I just do not want to ever go through what I had from my previous relationship, ever again. It's like a phobia to me now. I had enough of the torture, of the pains, of that countless sleepless nights, and most importantly, I never want to cry for a girl again. Because now then I find it really stupid. Yes, I tried moving to another after that episode, but alas nothing worked out. But at the very least, it made me let go of that thin rope of wishing and hoping that my used-to-be special someone would somehow wants me back. So, I am actually quite thankful that this happened instead.

I dare not say of what will happen to the both of us, in the future. Because ultimately, it is all up to Him who decides everything. But as for now, I really do not wish to get emotionally attached to anyone, honestly. Because I am tired of the same old lovestory that I'd experienced over and over again;

Falling too deep for a girl whom I thought would go through thick and thin together with me, forever.

I am truly sorry.

[ and I'm done ]

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