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Kane Nobuhiro™


People don't keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.

I don't own any of these pictures unless I state them. All photos and quotes on this blog are the properties of the respectful owners.Anyone wishing for their works to be credited please contact me via formspring or the tagboard itself. thank you.

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posted on Friday, April 15, 2011 @ 12:00 AM | back to the top.
it all began with a friend request.

" Yo orang di sane!
nak tanyer, yang di sane pun _____ yer? ("_) "

"yuuuuup yup.y do tink saye add awak?
haha. takkan nk increase numbr kawan stakat gtu je kn . .ape la. ."

"aah no, thats not what i meant. haha. i know u are my ____. cause i rememebered u were at the ____ for ____. hahaha. so sayer ni nak tawu jugak lah _____ mane awak ____ ..."

"no! da brape lame sei! hehe .tak la main2 je. . .
ya .super new . .why? tak ____ eh? "

"ishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! apa ini cakap? haha..
no laa, ape seh _____ tak ____..
tak berniat gitu pun.
its good that there are __________. ____ ____ for ____ ah ni.

great! ____ ____, ____ sumer yer? :) "

"okay, whats PER?? can tell? (''_)
hahahah. yknow, its hard to find ____ like u.
yang sesamer _____ dgn ____ _____. =D
kudos to kamu! "

"u said fantastic ke per. thn i say per .hah. =p XIE XIE!

"kay, i think i got u. hahahaha!!
in aniway, all the best _____ _____,
insyaallah ader rezki, ____ ____ ____.. :)"


"hahah! siang bangun? LOLS.."

"hehe.. im ____ kan..=p"

"haha! mana lah tahu kan. haha!! ____ ker facebook? hahah!:)"

"hehe. skali skale slack kat ____ ____ kluakan hp pakai internet..
tak sala. tak. tak. haha"

"haha! bagus.. amalkan selalu!
anw, sorry kalau ganggu..!:)"


"hahaha.. no worries.. hahaha..
like how im supposed to know kamu maseh di fb ker tak kan..
yah, maseh sempat fb lagy?
tak reti nak tido ker... hahaha!"

"cakap org! bluek! haha.
im in the bus otw hm ____ _____ ____.. =p"

"haha! wah seh!____ eh.. bagus bagus, ____ ____, confirm ____ ____!:)
anw, dalam bus pun sempat fb-ing?
macam style gitu eh. tunggu lah sampai rumah kalau yer pun..

"enta la kn kalau ____ ke tak. =/. takot. haha kk.
ape2 msg my hp if you may, _______.
nanti ____ mara if my ppd kip finishing pasal internet.
bye syaiful!"

"hahaha! alrightey then. will text kamu in a while.
sorry kalau ganggu yer..!
have a safe trip home! :D "


And that's how it all began exactly one year ago.

I can't bear to read everything that happens next, it's just too much hurt that I could take.And it's time for me to clear every single thing, since it's of no use anymore.

What dissapoint me wasn't how everything turned out in the end,
but the fact that you became everything that you'd promised not to be.

[ and I'm done ]

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