Please Take Note.
People don't keep journals for themselves.
They keep them for other people,
like a secret they don't want to tell,
but they want everyone to know.
I don't own any of these pictures unless I state them. All photos and quotes on this blog are the properties of the respectful owners.Anyone wishing for their works to be credited please contact me via formspring or the tagboard itself. thank you.

"A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world."
In short, I write what I want and anything that I want. I am not forcing you to read okay? :)
Anything to say? Write them down!
come into my dream again, please?
Last Night, I had a dream. It finally came, after so long. I dont know why, but it just did. I woke up crying, crying real bad, because my lil sis woke me up, because its time for school. URGHH!
Last Night, i dreamt that Iwas asleep. But when i woke up, i realised.. i was sleeping on my granny's lap. She was there, watching me sleep and stroking my hair. Just like how she always did. Really couldnt believed my eyes, was that really neneq? i remembered clearly i shouted 'neneq!' and i immediately hugged her tightly, all in my dream.
At that point of time, i knew i was in a dream. I kept asking neneq, why she took so long to come into my dream, how she had been and stuff. But all she did was to look back at me, smiling.. while stroking my hair. PFFT!!
but, i knew she had been tearing, because her eyes were all wet. and that part saddens me. It seemed to me as though she has something to say or tell me, but just as i was about to ask her whats wrong.... I woke up. No, my sister woke me up.
Aniway, yesterday night, i accompanied my mum to Mak ton's place at Sembawang, because the lawyer or whatever you call him, is coming down to settle the will issue. I really dont understand the whole picture, but to put it simply, Neneq had made a will on a piece of paper, stating that everything from the sale of the house and her jewelleries would be divided equally among the 3 daughters, Makton, Cikta and my mum. Neneq ever did told me this too, that she only 'anggap' these 3 as her own daughters only, and not the other 2. But the thing is, according to the law, or whatever shit you called it, the will cannot be considered valid because there was no witnesses around and since neneq has no son, all her assets will go to her living brothers', my pakciks kirekan.
Like what the fuck?! neneq maseh hidup, tengah saket saket korang ada nak amek tahu ker? setahun sekali jumpe waktu raya, ader hati nak makan duit neneq ? Jangan harap okay? aku fight, mesti fight punyer. No, dont get me wrong, my mum and my 2 other makciks are not that those money-grabber types. I am just fulfilling my neneq's last wish.
Now, im trying my best not to sell the flat, where my granny used to live. I really dont want it to be sold, cause it's the only thing that is left. the flat may cost a few hundred thousand of dollars, but memories are priceless. And I will do my upmost best to keep the flat.
to read about my previous post, click here.
Labels: missing that warm embrace hug..
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